
"First of all, it wasn't all that big. It was about as long as a school bus. The front end was a pod, shaped almost like an egg. Extending from the back of the pod was a long, narrow shaft. There were two crooked, stubby winglike things, and on the end of each wing was a long tube that glowed bright blue on the back end. The little spaceship looked almost cute. You know, kind of harmless. Except that it had a sort of tail — a mean-looking tail that curved up and forward, corning to a point that looked as sharp as a needle."

Elfangor's fighter was the Andalite fighter used by Prince Elfangor-Sirinial-Shamtul. After crash landing on Earth, the fighter ship was disintegrated by the Yeerks.


"At the same time, a blinding beam of blue light shot from the tail of the Andalite ship. It sliced into the nearest Bug fighter. [...] The night exploded in blinding light. Red beams lanced from the Blade ship and the remaining Bug fighter. The Andalite ship glowed, and, with a strange slowness, disintegrated."

While fighting the Yeerks above Earth's orbit, the Andalite Dome ship GalaxyTree was ambushed by Visser Three's Blade ship, which was hiding in a crater on Earth's moon. As the Dome ship was seemingly destroyed, Prince Elfangor-Sirinial-Shamtul got inside his personal fighter and decided to fly down to Earth, specifically to a forest in Southern California where he had buried a time-and-space machine known as the Time Matrix nearly two decades earlier.[1] During his descent, the ship was fired on by the Yeerks, causing the skin of the ship's pod to melt.[2]

However, the forest had since been converted into a construction site, where Elfangor crash landed. Elfangor became aware that his crash landing had been witnessed by five human children. Elfangor then informed the children of the Yeerks' secret invasion and asked Jake to enter the ship to retrieve the Escafil Device, which granted the children the ability to morph. As the Yeerks' Bug fighters and Visser Three's Blade ship descended, Elfangor mentally commanded his ship to fire at a Bug fighter. Visser Three then ordered his forces to destroy the ship, which resulted in the Blade Ship and Bug fighters disintegrating Elfangor's fighter.[2] The force of the ship's explosion propelled the Escafil Device into one of the walls of the construction site.[3]



Elfangor eye closeup andalite chron "Someone took a picture of me? Not cool. Do you see what I'm wearing? I'm Spandex-boy. Totally not cool."

The image gallery for Elfangor's fighter may be viewed here


Andalite Fleet
Dome ships StarSword | GalaxyTree | TailStrike | Elfangor
Cruiser class Intrepid
Andalite fighter Elfangor's fighter | Jahar
Assault ship Ascalin
Mobile Science and Technology Lab ship Ralek River