
A Flight Morph is a morph used predominantly for aerial utility. The Animorphs each acquired these morphs specifically for the purpose of transportation, and most acquie more than one. Raptor morphs are birds of prey and can both fly and fight.

Flight Morphs: Animorphs

Morphable character Raptor Morph Secondary Flight Morphs
Jake Peregrine Falcon Seagull
Rachel Bald Eagle Great Horned Owl, Seagull
Tobias Red-Tailed Hawk

Mallard Duck, Seagull

Cassie Osprey

Great Horned Owl, Seagull

Marco Osprey Mallard Duck, Seagull
Ax Northern Harrier Mallard Duck, Seagull
David Golden Eagle Seagull


  • All of the Auxiliary Animorphs acquired pigeons to serve as their flight morphs. Several also acquired Tobias's red-tailed hawk. James is the only Auxiliary Animorph identified with his own unique raptor morph, a peregrine falcon.
  • Andalite arisths usually acquire the kafit bird, a six-winged bird from their world, as their flight morph of choice.
  • When the Yeerks acquired the Escafil Device, morph-capable Yeerks typically chose either the peregrine falcon or the golden eagle as their flight morphs. One Yeerk squad leader in The Absolute also used a red-tailed hawk morph.

