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"I had seen more battles, death, and destruction than many seasoned soldiers in our Andalite fleet. I felt my throat tighten and constrict. My hearts ached with a pain I could not describe. I wondered if I were dying. I felt not sadness. I felt pity. For myself. For us all. We were children no longer. And we never would be again."

Captain-Prince Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill, also known as Ax, is the younger brother of Elfangor-Sirinial-Shamtul, uncle of Tobias, son of Noorlin-Sirinial-Cooraf and Forlay-Esgarrouth-Maheen, and the brother-in-law of Loren. After being rescued by the Animorphs, he aided them in their battle against the Yeerks before officially joining the team as their sixth member.


Andalite-Yeerk War

Crashing to Earth

"The dome hit water! Boiling, steaming water It rushed over the dome. I was sinking! Sinking beneath the ocean of the blue planet. I was powerless. Terrified. Alone. After an eternity, the dome crunched heavily onto the ocean floor. Looking up, I could barely see the surface of the water a hundred feet or more over the top of the dome. I climbed shakily to my four hooves. I was standing on a vast, open plain that was a piece of my own planet. A blue-green park, hidden deep beneath an alien sea. And there I waited for weeks."

When the Yeerks attacked the Andalite fleet over Earth, Aximili was left alone inside the GalaxyTree ship's dome because he didn't possess the skills, abilities or rank to fight. Aximili was a young cadet at the time and was left in the Dome because the older warriors, including his brother Elfangor, considered him "safer" there. During the battle when Visser Three's Blade Ship snuck up on the Andalite fleet's Dome ship, the Andalites detached the dome in order to gain more maneuverability. Despite this, the Blade Ship shot down the Andalites fighting in the "tail" of the dome ship, and Aximili, still inside the separated dome, crashed into the Pacific Ocean.

Rescued by the Animorphs

"I will fight for you, Prince Jake, until I can return to my cousins."

Trapped on the bottom of the ocean, Aximili yearned to escape his predicament and seek his brother. During his time there, he managed to capture and acquire a tiger shark morph, to be used to flee the dome ship. Fearful to escape the confines of his ship and venture the ocean and subsequent surface world alone, he became desperate and decided to reach out to his people using a mirrorwave call, technology that would enhance and broadcast the signal of his thought-speak. He hoped that other surviving Andalites would detect the call and come to rescue him. Instead, his distress call was detected by Visser Three, Tobias and Cassie, as Visser Three possessed an Andalite host body, Tobias was trapped in morph and Cassie had the most talent with morphing.

Aximili was rescued by four of the five Animorphs, who had used bottlenose dolphin morphs to reach him. Aximili was shocked to discover that humans possessed the power to morph and that his own brother Elfangor had broken the Law of Seerow's Kindness to give them that power. After escaping the clutches of Visser Three, Aximili acquired the four human Animorphs and created a unique human morph. With no home, he was relocated to the national forest located on Cassie's farm. Aximili, dubbed "Ax" by his new friends, decided to aid them in their efforts against the Yeerks until he found a way to return home. He allowed himself to fall under the command of "Prince Jake," a term of deference given Jake's role as leader.

Aiding the Animorphs

"I am not one of the Animorphs. But I fight alongside them against our common enemy, the Yeerks. And while I am on Earth, I have taken Jake for my prince."

Now living in the national forest, Ax was frequently visited by Jake and Cassie, who realized he was homesick and that Ax desired to return to the Andalite homeworld. Promising to expedite the Andalite forces' journey to save Earth, Ax convinced the Animorphs to help him steal a Bug fighter. In order to lure the Bug fighter, Ax decided to construct a Z-space transponder using makeshift parts from RadioShack. During the trip to the mall to obtain these parts, Ax discovered the sense of taste as well as his love for cinnamon buns. After successfully creating the transponder, he summoned a Bug fighter, but was unaware that the Yeerks updated their frequency. The Animorphs and Ax were subsequently trapped by Visser Three and held hostage on the Blade ship. After being forced to board the Pool ship and meet Visser One, who freed the Animorphs to sabotage Visser Three, Ax fought the Yeerk Empire for the first time, with his only prior combat experience having been biting Taxxons while in shark morph. Fighting alongside the Animorphs for the first time, Ax returns to Earth with them, deciding to stay and fight.

Ax's first mission assisting the Animorphs was during Jake's plan to sabotage the Yeerks' plan to control a hospital. During their fight at the hospital, Jake became a Controller, which Ax deduced. As the Animorphs held Jake captive for three days, Ax morphed into Jake to prevent his family from noticing his absence. Following Jake's liberation, Ax joined them on their trip to the Yeerk pool to locate the Kandrona, during which he and the Animorphs were introduced to the Ellimist. After Rachel realizes that the Kandrona is located at the EGS Tower, Ax joins the Animorphs during the Battle at the EGS Tower, where they successfully manage to destroy the Kandrona.

After destroying the Kandrona, the Animorphs decided to enjoy a vacation. While Jake and Cassie attended a pool party, Ax joined Marco in mouse morph to infiltrate the party, where they encountered the Veleek, a creature from Saturn that was genetically modified by the Yeerks to serve Visser Three and seek out morphing signatures. After being kidnapped by the Veleek and brought aboard the Blade ship, Ax assisted Marco, who was also taken captive, into escaping their confines, although not before discovering the Veleek had a weakness to water.

Conflict of Interest

"I can't answer your questions! I can't!"
"You mean, you won't! Rachel's right. We're just pawns in the big game. It's Andalites versus Yeerks in the big game and we're what? The towel boys?"
"Look... look... I have to follow the rules."
"Do you? Did Elfangor follow the rules when he gave us the power to morph?"
"I'm not Elfangor! Can't you see that? I'm not some big hero. I'm just a young Andalite, all right? You want the truth? Here's some truth for you: I'm not a warrior. I'm an
aristh. A... a trainee. A cadet. A nobody."
―Ax, Marco and Cassie[src]

Following the destruction of the Kandrona, the Ellimist had informed them that a replacement would arrive in three weeks. After two weeks of witnessing no signs of damage, the Animorphs begin to encounter humans raving about being enslaved by Yeerks. However, the Animorphs are shocked to discover that the humans are not living free lives but are instead murdered by the Yeerks. When Ax makes it clear that he knew the Yeerks would silence the freed hosts, this angers the Animorphs, especially Jake, who realizes his brother Tom could have been killed. Ax refuses to answer any of the Animorphs' questions regarding the Andalites and their history with the Yeerks, which causes them to distrust him. During a visit to Marco's house, Ax accidentally reconfigures Marco's father software program, for an observatory's telescope, into an inter-dimensional communicator. Enlisting the help of Tobias, with whom Ax has formed a bond, the pair travel to the observatory, where communicates with the Andalite military, where he is pressured with accepting the blame of giving the Animorphs the power to morph in order to prevent Elfangor's reputation from being tarnished. While speaking with his father, who reminds Ax that killing Visser Three and avenging Elfangor is his burden, a Controller named Eslin 359 interrupts the call. Eslin notifies Ax that Visser Three left the Yeerk he loved, Derane 344, to die of Kandrona starvation and thus wishes to exact vengeance. Eslin provides Ax the location of Visser Three's private feeding ground and asks Ax to kill the visser.

The Animorphs inquire on Ax and Tobias' whereabouts, with Ax once again refusing to explain. Despite Ax considering himself an ally of the Animorphs as opposed to being an official member, the other Animorphs consider Ax to be one of them, and Jake informs Ax that he cannot be a part of their team if he keeps secrets from them. Emotional and upset, Ax severs his ties with the team and decides to head out to assassinate Visser Three, using a rattlesnake morph he recently acquired. After biting Visser Three's Andalite form, Ax demorphs to finish the job, but is attacked by a Hork-Bajir-Controller while he is in mid-morph, defenseless and vulnerable. However, he is saved by Rachel in her grizzly bear morph, as well as the other Animorphs, who arrive to save and assist Ax. Ax discovers that Visser Three has abandoned his host body, Andalite War-Prince Alloran-Semitur-Corrass, and cannot bring himself to kill the Andalite, despite knowing that by sparing him, Visser Three will re-infest him. Ax and the Animorphs spare Alloran's life, and return home.

Officially Joining the Animorphs

"Look, Ax, we don't want you to give us any Andalite technology. We don't want you to break your laws. We just want you to trust us. Tell us the truth. Be one of us."

Ax is overwhelmed that the Animorphs decided to save him despite the way he treated them, and decides to break the Law of Seerow's Kindness once more, as his brother did, by explaining the story of Seerow and how the Yeerk Empire came to be. Declaring that he will no longer keep secrets from the team, Ax officially joins the Animorphs as their sixth member and makes another call to the Andalite homeworld, where he informs a military officer that he will share everything with the Animorphs, as he considers them his people as well.

As an Animorph, Ax participates with the other members of the team in preventing the Yeerks from destroying the forest, discovering the existence of the Chee, traveling back in time, dealing with Rachel's crocodile allergy, freeing two Hork-Bajir from captivity and discovering an Andalite toilet. During their mission on Royan Island, Ax attempts to kill Visser One, although he relents when Marco inform him that Visser One's host is his mother. Shortly after, Ax is held hostage by Visser Three's twin brother, although he is rescued by the Animorphs, and aids them in their effort of weaponizing instant maple-and-ginger oatmeal, a substance that causes drug addiction-like symptoms in the Yeerks.

The Ascalin Incident

"I couldn't help feeling that I was to blame. I was humiliated. I felt sick. I had turned away from my friends and trusted my own people instead. One of my own people had betrayed us."

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Rejoining the Animorphs

"I made a mistake trusting Captain Samilin. I made a mistake dismissing all of you. You have... you have kept me alive and befriended me for a long time. All I can say is that none of you knows what it's like to be completely cut off from your own people."
"One of us does."
"All I can do is say I'm sorry. And I will consider Jake my prince until he says otherwise. You are my prince until you, and only you, say otherwise."
―Ax and Tobias to the Animorphs[src]

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Brain Surgery

"You must take it out. Or I will die. When temperature goes back to normal... Tria gland out. Or disease organisms kill."
"Okay. Okay, yeah. [...] But first you have to tell me where the Tria gland is. Now, Ax!"
"My head."
"I'm no brain surgeon. But it sounds to me like we're talking brain surgery here."
―Ax, Cassie and Marco[src]

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Unit 0

"It was all a deception. You misled us. You lied to your own people."
"No. I have learned something, Estrid. These are my people. Anyone who believes in freedom, anyone who resists tyranny, anyone who pursues peace is "my people." Andalite, Hork-Bajir, or human."
Estrid and Ax[src]

To be added

Further battles

"An aristh, a cadet, a warrior in training. But my existence in the group of humans that calls itself the Animorphs has, I believe, qualified me as a full warrior. An experienced fighter. Why do I fight for and with a people not my own? Because, in many ways, these humans have become my own. And the central, most important reason is that the humans are fighting off an invasion of an evil, parasitic alien species known as the Yeerks. The Yeerks must be stopped. It doesn't matter who stops them, or why. Maybe, just maybe, it doesn't even matter how."

To be added


"The stated goal would be to quarantine. The orders would say to quarantine. But what everyone would understand is that a quarantine would be impossible to sustain. To enforce a quarantine, the Andalite fleet would be forced to engage. And once they engaged, they would annihilate the planet and every living thing on it. Yeerk and human. Quarantine was the first step toward genocide. The high command had made its decision. The Yeerk conquest of the galaxy would stop here on Earth. The camp came into view. I wished I could just keep going. Perhaps become a nothlit. Be free of the terrible burdens of secrecy and betrayal. I remembered the Yeerk falcon. Five minutes away from freedom. But the price of that freedom was high. Maybe too high."

To be added



"Captain Asculan issues the following orders: Four morphing cubes will be made available to aristh Aximili to use as he sees fit. Aristh Aximili is hereby elevated to the rank of prince. Prince Aximili is appointed liaison between the Andalite fleet and the people of Earth."
―Andalite Junior Officer[src]

To be added


"And Ax was doing great as well. He was an official prince and this huge hero back on his home planet. He had stepped out of Elfangor's shadow at long last, and was not only a hero but the one and only expert on all things human. [...] Ax worked out technology-transfer deals with some of the big corporations. They have to keep it slow because if you just dump a hundred years of technological advances overnight the stock market goes nuts. It worked out okay, though. The Andalites can definitely teach us a lot about computer architecture. But it was Microsoft and Sony and Adobe and Nintendo that came up with the killer apps. I mean, the new Palm Pilots will be actual pilots. The Andalites flatly refused to let us share their weapons technology. But NASA has had a definite revival: The first human Zero-space vehicle will be built jointly by Boeing and Lockheed and be ready for launch in three years. H. sapiens was going to the stars."

To be added


"Even after the last year aboard the Intrepid, I sensed that my first officer did not entirely approve of my habit of explaining my actions for the deck crew. It was not usual. Captains typically played the part of far-distant and all-knowing gods. I preferred to continuously train and retrain. The more the deck officers understood, the more they would learn and the more valuable they'd be in a crisis. [...] This sort of mission wasn't supposed to be performed by me. The captain generally stays on the bridge. The T.O. normally led boarding parties. But I was bored. And I knew the T.O. wouldn't argue: I wasn't just the captain or a prince, I was Aximili of Earth. The Aximili. A living legend. I couldn't complain about being bored, of course. The fleet command had given me what was easily the best assignment around. The bulk of the fleet was engaged either in flying blockade around the Yeerk home world, convoying traders back and forth to Earth, or escorting scientific missions. The Intrepid was just about the only ship out "looking for trouble," as Marco might have put it. Every officer in the fleet was jealous of us. Especially now with so many being eased out of service. The fleet's size was being sharply reduced. War's end meant the end of glory and advancement for warriors. They all had secondary occupations — that was part of our code, that "warrior" was a temporary occupation. You were supposed to want to stop fighting and go home to your meadow and your scoop, back to your peacetime occupation, your family and friends. I guess some warriors did want all those things. At some level I did, too. But how do you weigh the sharp rush of battle against the slower, more contemplative joys of watching your trees flower?"

To be added

Kidnapping and Assimilation
"The face that filled the screen and more was a shifting image, a slow dissolve from what might be a robot's face, a machine with a rat-trap mouth and steel eyes, into a sweet, feminine, almost elfin visage, and last, and most enduring, into the face of Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill. The face that belonged to our friend Ax split wide open across the bottom and revealed a new-formed mouth full of red-rimmed teeth."

To be added


"Up close he looks like a cross between a deer or a horse, and a human and a scorpion. Sort of like a mythical centaur. His upper body is like a boy's. He has weak-looking arms and a head with two movable stalks on top, kind of like antlers. Each stalk has an eye. The eyes are constantly looking left and right and back. Andalites are very hard to sneak up on. His body is covered in blue and tan fur, very short on his humanoid torso, a bit longer on his deer-like body. His four hooves are sharp and black. But it's the tail that grabs your attention. It's long enough that he can whip it up over his head and hit someone standing in front of him. It ends in a curved blade."

Aximili is an Andalite, and as such he has the standard Andalite features: centaur-like form covered in blue-and-tan fur, a long muscular tail with a big, scythe-like blade on the end, and two stalk eyes on the top of his head, providing 360° vision. He also has seven fingers on each hand and no mouth, instead communicating via thought-speak and eating through his hooves. His human morph, created through a Frolis Maneuver that combines the DNA of different individuals to make a new morph, appears "strange" to the Animorphs, because it looks as though Jake, Cassie, Marco, and Rachel were "put through a blender." 


"We could simply fly away. We could become something or someone else. Life would no doubt be simpler. Life would be a matter of life or death, survival or failure, simple, black or white choices. But in reality life seldom comes in simple shades of black and white. The choices in the real world, the choices we most often face, are all in shades of gray. And I lived in the real world."

Aximili is extremely curious and interested in the various Earth cultures. He is somewhat arrogant, a common Andalite trait, but has tempered his arrogance over time, proclaiming more than once that the humans are his people as well as Andalites as he recognizes their commendable qualities. For instance, a group of human hosts in the Yeerk pool deliberately acted as shields to other Yeerk forces to give the Animorphs time to escape. Like all Andalites he places great value on honor and duty, to the extent that, on some occasions, he would side with humans over Andalites because he believed that the Andalites were resorting to particularly drastic measures while the Animorphs had not. He generally has a good knowledge of most of the advanced technology and alien races that the Animorphs encounter, but has admitted more than once that he didn't always pay attention in school and thus missed certain topics being discussed in detail.

At first he seems very serious. However, as he spends more time in the company of the Animorphs, he slowly develops a sense of humor, which they find slightly disturbing. Despite his usual seriousness, he tends to suffer from a loss of control when in human morph, demonstrating exceptional enthusiasm for exploring his sense of taste, which he does not have in his natural state, and treating human speech as a toy by repeating certain words, or even syllables, repeatedly out of the sheer joy he finds in using a human mouth. He considers the cinnamon bun one of humankind's greatest inventions, and also enjoys chocolate, cigarette butts, and just about anything with a strong taste. He has a good relationship with all of the Animorphs, but is especially close to Tobias because they both live in the woods, away from typical human habitation.

Relationships with the other Animorphs

"Jake. Rachel. Tobias. Cassie. Marco. The humans amazed me with their resilience, their ingenuity, and their bravery. They delighted me with their humor, their passions, and their capacity for play. Their food. But they truly sickened me with their self-indulgence and their childishness. But then, I reminded myself, they are children. And so am I."


"But Tobias is the only one I might consider a true shorm. A shorm is a deep friend, someone who knows everything there is to know about you. The word comes from the Andalite's tail blade, which looks something like what you may know as a scorpion's tail. A shorm is someone you would trust to put his tail blade against your throat. Even though Tobias does not have a tail blade – or hooves, stem eyes, and fur, the way Andalites do – he is almost one of us. Elfangor was his father, and, as strange as it is to think of, I am, in Earth terms, Tobias's uncle. But I think it is the fact that he is almost as unique on this planet as I am that makes us close. Choosing life as a red-tailed hawk has set Tobias apart from everything he once knew. We are both unique on this planet, and both very much alone."
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Of all the Animorphs, Ax is closest to Tobias, whom he considers to be his shorm, an Andalite term roughly translating to best friend. The word shorm literally means "tail blade," the expression being that a shorm is someone you would trust to hold their tail blade to your throat. They bond due to both being outsiders, and this is strengthened by the revelation that Tobias is Ax's nephew.


"I am often amazed at Prince Jake's ability to make decisions. I call him my prince because any Andalite warrior needs a prince to serve. But I know that he is just a human youth, as I am an Andalite youth. And yet he is very impressive for a human youth. He understands instinctively that making no decision is also a decision. So he accepts the responsibility. If he were an Andalite I have no doubt he would become a true prince. Still, he does very well for a human."
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Ax deeply respects Jake, his "prince," and comes to consider him as a true friend. At times, Ax is torn between his loyalties to his human prince and his loyalties to his race.


"Marco is highly intelligent. But he is also very afflicted by a condition the humans call "sense of humor." I have noticed that Marco's sense of humor sometimes makes him do strange things."
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At first Marco dislikes and distrusts Ax, but as time goes on the two develop a close relationship. After Marco's cover is blown and he has to leave his regular life, he goes to live with Ax at his scoop, and the two bond over electronics and soap operas.


"The other Animorphs and I truly worry about Rachel. On the Andalite home planet, when a warrior becomes too fond of war he is shunned. A warrior should love only the cause not the killing. [...] For a long time, I have regarded Rachel as representing one end of the continuum of human nature. What all humans would become if the war went on long enough. That perception has guided many of my decisions. An entire human race of Rachels — angry, merciless, aggressive, and equipped with Yeerk and Andalite technology. It was a terrifying specter."
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Ax and Rachel rarely interact outside of a group setting. Ax worries about her bloodthirstiness and violent nature and voices his concerns later in the series, although he still respects her as a warrior.


"I had thought I hated Cassie. But I did not. I felt for her as I felt for the others."
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Ax and Cassie rarely interact one-on-one, two notable exceptions being her inviting him to have dinner with her family (in his Jake morph) and consoling him after Estrid's departure. After Cassie allows Tom to take the Escafil Device, Ax compares her to Seerow and muses in his narrative that her compassion makes her possibly the most dangerous of them all. 


Morph Book Acquired
Animals from the Andalite homeworld (possibly a djabala and a hoober) Prior to The Invasion
Tiger Shark The Message
Human (male, used the Frolis Maneuver to blend DNA from Cassie, Marco, Rachel and Jake to form one strand)
American Lobster The Predator
Black Garden Ant
Northern Harrier
Cockroach The Capture
Human (Jake)
Mouse The Andalite's Gift
Rattlesnake The Alien
Termite The Secret
Great Horned Owl
Wolf Spider The Android
Brown Bat
Spider Monkey (unusable; acquired by alternate self) The Forgotten
Jaguar (unusable; acquired by alternate self)
Racehorse The Unknown
Seagull The Escape
Hammerhead Shark
Mole The Underground
Mosquito The Decision
Bottlenose Dolphin In the Time of Dinosaurs
Tyrannosaurus Rex (unusable; Sario Rip morph)
Human (adult male Controller) The Threat
African Elephant The Solution
Baby Ringed Seal The Extreme
Polar Bear (Nanook)
Giant Squid The Exposed
Cow The Experiment
Hork-Bajir (Jara Hamee) The Reunion
Mountain Goat (acquired but most likely never used)
Squirrel The Proposal
Orca (Swoosh) The Mutation
Cheetah The Weakness
Honeybee The Other
Tiger Shark (unusable; acquired by alternate self) Back to Before
Human (unusable; acquired by alternate self)
Taxxon The Test
Human (male Air National Guard Captain Joseph Felitti) The Deception
Human (male United States Naval Officer)
Human (male United States Navy Lieutenant)
Human (male United States Navy Admiral Carrington)
Human (male United States Naval Aviation Fuel Officer)
North American Beaver The Resistance
Mallard Drake The Absolute
Raccoon The Sacrifice
Dragonfly The Answer
Human (U.S. Army Soldier)

Television Show Morphs

Morph Episode Acquired
Butterfly The Message
Human ("Max", male, used the Frolis Maneuver to mix DNA from Cassie , Jake, Rachel, and Marco)
Dog The Escape/Tobias
Ferret The Escape
Human (Jake) The Capture, Part 2
Cockroach The Reaction
Rabbit Changes, Part 3

Ax has a total of 7 morphs.

Books Narrated By Ax


  • Ax's middle name, Esgarrouth, is a reference to the town of Esgaroth in J.R.R. Tolkein's The Hobbit, as K.A. is a fan. 
  • Ax is only three or four Andalite years old, but because the Andalite year is so long and Andalites grow at different rates than humans, Ax is an adolescent, developmentally analogous to the other Animorphs.
  • The Andalite homeworld is 82 light years away.
  • The Alien and The Experiment came attached with a pair of Ax bookmarks with it. The bookmarks come with humorous tear-off corners, as if Ax bit into them.
    Book 8 bookmarks

    Bookmarks that come with The Alien, which emphasize Ax's love of food.

  • Ax's love of food while in human morph, particularly cinnamon buns, is an ongoing gag throughout the series. Ax often causes a scene in human morph either by voraciously and impolitely eating, or consuming things like cigarette butts and popcorn boxes that are not intended to be consumed.
  • Although The Alien is Ax's first officially narrated book, it is not the first time that he has narrated. He narrates along with the other Animorphs in The Andalite's Gift
  • Ax and Tobias were the two main characters in the series who got the least amount of numerical books to narrate. The reason for this came from Scholastic, rather than K.A. They didn't think that kids would be able to relate as well to an alien character, or to a kid trapped as a hawk. As a result, they both got their books in rotations of every 10 books, rather than the 5 like everyone else. Tobias got all the 3's in the series (#3, 13, 23, etc), while Ax got all the 8's (#8, 18, 28, etc).  However, as it turned out, the books for Tobias and Ax were some of the fan's favorites, so both Ax and Tobias were brought into the equal rotation with the rest of the Animorphs near the end of the series (starting in The Familiar).   
  • Ax was originally going to be introduced in The Visitor. This was changed when K.A realized that Animorphs was going to be a long running series.
  • In the Animorphs TV Series, Ax is portrayed much the same as his book counterpart. However, his Human form appears much more often in the show than in the books. His human name in the series is Max. Although in the TV series, after Ax's ship crash-landed on Earth, he sent out a telepathic plea for help, including images of the abandoned military base where he was hiding. (In the books, he was still in the dome of the GalaxyTree which had crashed into the Pacific Ocean.)



TV Series


Animorphs Jake | Rachel | Tobias | Cassie | Marco | Ax | David
Auxiliary Animorphs James | Collette | Timmy | Kelly | Craig | Erica | Julio | Liam | Tricia | Jessie | Judy | Ray

